84.5% of law enforcement agencies are submitting data on crime to the FBI.
From 2011-2020, 74.1% of known homicide offenders were Black.
Arrests (statewide) from 2011-2020:
Embezzlement: 53.1%
Aggravated Assault: 57.4% Black
Illegal weapons possession: 66.6% Black
Robbery: 72.3% Black
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 73.8% Black
Arrests for Murder and non-negligent manslaughter by city, from 2011-2020:
Charleston: 87.6% Black
Columbia: 94.7% Black
Florence: 92.6% Black
Greenville: 84.4% Black
Myrtle Beach: 75.4% Black
North Charleston: 91.7% Black
Spartanburg: 84.4% Black
South Carolina is 26.3% Black according to the US census.
Note: There is no category in federal crime data exclusively for White or Latino offenders. All Whites, Latinos, North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Central Asians are classified as “White” in federal crime data.