The ND Attorney Generals Office lists of 17 homicides for 2021. A total of 58.8% were committed by Blacks.
The US Census lists North Dakota as 3.5 Black, yet all data shows that Blacks commit a wildly disproportionate amount of homicides in the state. American Indians and Latinos also commit excessive homicides in the state, but nowhere near the rate that Blacks do.
North Dakota (from census):
1.7% Asian
2.4% Mixed Race
3.5% Black
4.4% Latino
5.7% American Indian
83.2% White
Known offenders of homicide (data sent to FBI by North Dakota police departments)
2021 – 64.3% Black
2020 – 31.8% Black
2019 – 20.0% Black
2018 – 5.9% Black
2017 – 6.7% Black
2016 – 29.4% Black
Note: The 64.3% for 2021 might be counting a murder charge for an unborn baby that was not counted as an official homicide by the Attorney General’s office.
Homicide arrests (from ND Attorney General’s Office):
2021 – 53.3% Black, 20% American Indian
2020 – 27.6% Black, 13.8% American Indian
2019 – 23.8% Black, 23.8% American Indian
2018 – 8.3% Black, 16.7% American Indian
2017 – missing data
2016 – 35.7% Black, 7.1% American Indian
Note: Latino suspects are classified as White in this data.
Total Homicides:
2021: 17
2020: 32
2019: 24
2018: 18
2017: 10
2016: 15
Of the 17 homicides in 2021, 16 were cleared, which is a very high clearance rate. The 17th is a Black on Black homicide occurring at the Africa Restaurant and Nightclub in Fargo. However, no suspect has been brought to justice. Three homicides occurred on Indian reservations. Fifteen people have been arrested. Two of the homicides were committed by the same Black male. This suspect is also charged with a third count of murder for killing an unborn baby. However, the Attorney General’s office does not count this as a homicide in their official list.
Offender/Victim Race for all 2021 homicides:
6 Black on White
4 Black on Black
3 A. Ind on A. Ind
2 White on White
1 Latino on Latino
1 Latino on Indian
Black on White homicides in North Dakota in 2021 (35.3% of all homicides that year)
October 4th, 2022, Bismark, North Dakota. Christopher Sebastian, a 39 year old White male, was murdered in the parking lot of his apartment complex. The suspect is Benjamin Williams, a 27 year old Black male.
November 17th, 2021, Fargo, North Dakota. April Carbone, a 32 year old White female, Richard “Richie” Pittman, a 43 year old Black male, and their unborn child were all shot and killed by a co-worker. The suspect is Anthony Reese, a 35 year old Black male.
September 12th, 2021, Grand Forks, North Dakota. Megan Lea Gustafson, a 28 year old White female was shot and killed in her home. The suspect is Ahmed Mohamed Abdullahi, a 26 year old Black male.
August 15th, 2021, Minot, North Dakota. Carrie Lynn Breitling-Welnel, a 50 year old White female was shot and killed near her house. The suspect is Caleb Heyward-Treib, a 23 year old Black male, who was found deceased.
July 24th, 2021, Fargo, North Dakota. Eric Woodrow Hayes, a 41 year old White male was murdered in a parking lot. The suspect is Raymond Christopher Gunn, a 40 year old Black male.
June 4, 2021, Fargo, North Dakota. Jupiter Paulson, a 14 year old White female was killed by being tortured for thirty minutes. Arthur Prince Kollie, a career criminal from Liberia, has been convicted of the murder.