Despite a massive presence by police and military, there has been a series of high-profile crimes ahead of the Paris Olympics.
A member of the French military was stabbed in the back by a Congolese migrant named Christian Ingondo, who had already been charged with murder in 2018. The victim is part of the French military anti-terrorism operation, Operation Sentinel, patrolling the Gare de l’Est train station. He was seriously injured but survived.
The perpetrator allegedly screamed “Allahu Akbar.”
The perpetrator had been shockingly deemed mentally unfit to stand trial for murder in 2020 and was simply released back onto the streets!
French Soldiers training to defend the Olympic Games:
A police officer was also stabbed and seriously injured by a dark-skinned male in a high-end shopping district.
Now, a twenty-year-old Australian tourist was gang-raped by immigrant men in Paris’ entertainment district known as Quartier Pigalle.
The victim ran into a Kebab shop crying and wearing a ripped-up dress. An African man then came in and taunted her. She identified him as one of the rapists.
The woman was in Paris to attend the Fete de Musique musical festival. All of the perpetrators are currently still at-large.
“The victim ran into a Kebab shop crying and wearing a ripped-up dress. An African man then came in and taunted her. She identified him as one of the rapists.
The woman was in Paris to attend the Fete de Musique musical festival. All of the perpetrators are currently still at-large.”
Modern Western Europe in a nutshell… Black & brown immigrants on every corner, kebab shops, lame electro-pop & rap music, groups of perpetrators, rape, stalking, taunting, crying, apathetic police. Thanks liberals.
Predators know modern White childless cat ladies will be on lots of drugs & booze (not to mention all the recommended vakzes n’ b00sters) at these festivals, if only to endure the repetitive, stultifying music, making them even easier targets.
The kebabs were made from animals that were excruciatingly killed without stunning, in the Halal – and Kosher – manner. Yes, the two methods are essentially the same. Halal & Kosher practices have no place in the West. Islam and Judaism are cut from the same hostile cloth, which is why they coexist hand-in-glove so well in the subservient modern West.
And the festival poster even has a black fatso doing yoga:
The poster’s eight people include one with white skin. Out of the rest, five are black / brown, one is blue, and one is green. The bright, childlike colors and surreal utopian themes are a hallmark of modern Satanic, MAP-friendly pop art. Open a copy of Juxtapoz or Hi-Fructose art magazines (both have been stocked at Barnes & Noble for decades) to take a peek at this creepy lowbrow style.
The overlords are tipping their hands a little too obviously. Even the most formerly-clueless libs have to be getting suspicious at this point.
Not to belabor the point too much, but even yoga itself is a red flag. Every pose is an homage to a different Hindu deity, and that’s a weird, rapey, animalistic, fantasy-based religion that does not belong in an advanced civilization.