Multnomah County District Attorney [MCDA] Mike Schmidt has refused to prosecute over 91% of cases brought against BLM and Antifa. Based on his own tweets, he is quite proud of this.
Now Brad Berry, the District Attorney for neighboring Yamhill County, has agreed to oversee an investigation into Mike Schmidt for selective prosecution. Attorney D. Angus Lee is alleging that Mike Schmidt is violating official MCDA policy and engages in selective prosecution of individuals based on their political ideologies.
Attorney D. Angus Lee is a former US Marine and a Criminal Defense attorney. He is the former Head Prosecutor for Grant County, WA.
“If the State is allowed to prosecute us based on our political activity, we are not a free people. When prosecutors allow open criminal activity by their political allies but selectively prosecute those expressing views with which they disagree, we are all in trouble.” – Attorney D. Angus Lee.
The first assistant to Brad Berry confirmed the launch of an investigation to D. Angus Lee.
This is a breaking news story that we will be following.
That’s good news! Next, go after Obama and Biden.