The SPLC used to claim they were tracking chapters of Neo-Nazi skinheads and the KKK. However, each year, their list of Nazi and KKK became more and more of a blatant fraud.
Back in 2015, none other than Mark Pitcavage, the national spokesman for the far-left Anti-Defamation League [ADL], blew the whistle. The SPLC falsely claimed that New Jersey had 22 different “Neo-Nazi Skinhead” groups that year. Of the groups they listed, the most recently any of them had made the local news was 1999, sixteen years earlier.
Pitcavage said the SPLC’s “Hate Map“ was “wildly inflated“ and that Neo-Nazi Skinheads were “virtually non-existent“ in New Jersey. Pitcavage noted that the SPLC justifies its map by counting individuals as a “group.”
No one will believe that there are mythical Klan and Nazi groups everywhere anymore. The SPLC now lists only one Neo-Nazi Skinhead group in New Jersey and only twelve for the entire country. They list ten individual KKK “chapters“ spread across nine different KKK organizations. The SPLC knows that people will call them out for fake Klan and Skinhead groups.
However, the SPLC is claiming that there are more “Hate Groups“ than ever! So what are they counting as a “Hate Group?”
The latest map contains 1,430 entries.
These are the top 20 listings with the percentage of the total 1,430 entries each one makes up:
20.8% Moms For Liberty
4.6% Proud Boys
3.2% Patriot Front
2.6% Tactical Civics
2.3% Asatru Folk Assembly
2.2% National Justice Party
2.1% United States Assembly
2.1% Active Club
1.7% John Birch Society
1.5% No Left Turn in Education
1.4% Citizens Defending Freedom
1.3% Mom Army
1.1% Parent’s Rights In Education
1.0% National Assembly
0.9% The Constitution Party
0.8% We Are Change
0.8% Eagle Forum
0.7% Mass Resistance
0.6% Free PA
0.6% Oath Keepers