On Monday, February 6th, about fifty black-clad Antifa, many with shields and body armor, left Frank Seymour Park in South Sacramento and began marching through the city. Over eighty police officers followed the mob. Eventually, they marched to the home of Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, a Democrat, and began vandalizing it.
From Sacramento Police Press Release:
On February 6, 2021, over 80 Sacramento Police Department officers monitored a planned demonstration of approximately 50 people that started at Frank Seymour Park in South Sacramento in the late evening hours. Most were dressed in all black, wearing helmets and armor. Some were carrying shields. The demonstrators eventually marched to the Mayor of Sacramento’s private residence. Eventually, these same demonstrators began to vandalize the residence by throwing rocks, stealing security cameras, and destroying lighting fixtures. They also barricaded the front door and gate to his residence with landscaping debris that was removed from the yard. The cost of the damage caused by demonstrators is estimated to be in the thousands of dollars.
The statement from the local police is truly incredible. It says police waited until after the mob had already caused “thousands of dollars” in damage before they took action. Even then they did not make any arrests, and only “dispersed” the criminal mob.”
Mayor Daniel Steinberg alleges that members of the mob destroyed a cherished piece of artwork and even screamed the names of his children.
Sacramento Police Cheif Daniel Hahn is alleging on Twitter that his department is working to identify the vandals after the fact. Local media say far-left groups have protested outside his house in the past, but this was the first time they attacked the house.
Antifa has vandalized the personal home of Democrat mayors in the past. Last August Antifa & BLM vandalized the home of the mayor of San Jose, California. Last June, Antifa Black Bloc damaged the home of the mayor of Olympia.
Olympia Mayor Cheryl Selby had publicly defended violent Antifa & BLM “protests” in the past and even had a BLM sign on her house. The vandalism was cut short when a neighbor, who once ran against Selby as a Republican, single-handedly chased off an Antifa mob. (If anyone has a link to the video, post a comment below. I can’t find it now.) Selby denounced the vandals as “domestic terrorists” after they targeted her own house.
Antifa & BLM mobs have also held protests outside the homes of mayors in Chicago, St. Louis, Portland, and Eugene. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson moved to different residences because their homes were targeted by threatening mobs.