Alexander Nazaryan, the White House Correspondent for Yahoo News, penned a shockingly long and crude pro-Antifa op-ed for the LA Times.
Nazaryan expresses fury over Andy Ngô’s new book Unmasked, which exposes Antifa violence. He compares Andy Ngô to Joseph Gobbels.
Every act of violence by Antifa, meanwhile, is described so meticulously and ominously that Herr Goebbels would have been proud.
In no way do I make that allusion flippantly. Maligning the opposition was central to the Nazi strategy, and it is critical to today’s far-right extremists. Ngo’s intention here seems not just to discredit Antifa, but to run a diversionary tactic for Patriot Prayer and other groups that are far more dangerous than their leftist counterparts.
In 2016, Alexander Nazaryan took heat for comparing Ted Cruz supporters to Nazis. He was a senior writer for Newsweek at the time. So, yes, he actually does compare people to Nazis very flippantly.
Nazaryan mocks and downplays the vicious 2019 mob attack on Andy Ngô that left him hospitalized. He accuses Ngô of aiding “far-right extremists,” while calling Antifa an “imaginary threat.” Meanwhile, Nazaryan praises Mark Bray, the author of the notorious Antifa Handbook.
Nazaryan gaslights his readers, claiming that violent left-wing militant groups do not exist in the USA while citing an author who calls for creating violent left-wing militant groups. The first paragraph of the LA Times op-ed is an attack on US Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene, someone with no connection to Ngô. This is a desperate straw man attack by an author with no real ammunition. The editorial is quite long, yet Nazaryan does not even try to debunk any specific claims made in the book. It does not seem like he even read the book at all. The op-ed is, however, full of very cringy attempts at making jokes about Ngô.
While Nazaryan claims that Antifa is not even a real organization, he does lament that Antifa foolishly gave the book free publicity when they violently rioted in front of Powell’s Bookstore in Portland.
If trolling, not reportage, is Ngo’s purpose, then “Unmasked” is a tour de force. The left helped his cause (as it tends to), protesting in front of the famed Powell’s bookstore in Portland, Ore., for agreeing to carry the book. Powell’s backed down, giving Ngo the kind of publicity not even a Trump tweet would have brought. The book became an Amazon bestseller.
This website previously reported on the violent Antifa “protests” that Nazaryan is referencing.
After Unmasked was published, Brandy Zadrozny, a prominent “journalist” at NBC News, also attacked Ngô and defended Antifa.