The LAPD battled Antifa and shut down one of their riots this weekend. The scene is in stark contrast to previous Antifa rioting in LA where cops did little to stop criminality. Antifa members are now screaming on Twitter that they were innocent victims of “fascist” police. Some Antifa members seem sincerely surprised that the LAPD finally took action.
Antifa was rioting at Wi Spa in support of men using women’s restrooms if they “identify as trans.” This was the second violent pre-planned Antifa riot outside the spa.
The LAPD beating the ass of ANTIFA members. Should’ve been happening since last October.
pic.twitter.com/L4oo7OtehM— Gary Sheffield Jr. (@GarysheffieldJr) July 18, 2021
Antifa member gets clubbed by an LAPD officer after pulling down his/her mask and spitting in the faces of the cops. Video by @DrewHLive: pic.twitter.com/tQLeKOMYUu
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 18, 2021
Fuck you, you fucking ghouls. pic.twitter.com/pTSuo1HXfZ
— Your Trusted Source For All Things ACAB Since 2012 (@OLAASM) July 17, 2021
Antifa rioter at the Los Angeles unlawful assembly near the WiSpa wails in pain after getting hit with a police impact munition. Video by @DrewHLive: pic.twitter.com/xr5HLXfMYy
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) July 17, 2021
LOS ANGELES – Antifa v police clash in the ongoing protests at WiSpa. pic.twitter.com/BB244CnLPM
— ShatteredWorldMedia 🌐 (@MediaShattered) July 18, 2021