Race Relations
Showtime’s “Everything’s Gonna Be All White” is a humiliating failure
Recently Showtime came out with a tv show purporting to be “a deep dive into America’s past and present through the experiences of people of color.” It is called “Everything’s Gonna Be All White” and […]
Dave Chappelle accused of using influence and wealth to stop low income housing from being built 2.5 miles from his own home
Yellow Springs, Ohio, is a small rural community between Dayton and Columbus with fewer than 3,700 people. Since the 1960s, it has been regarded as an isolated rural left-wing enclave by the rest of the […]
Did affirmative action kill again? Black female cop, who killed unarmed motorist, already fired by two other departments
Can affirmative action hiring and political correctness kill people? Cassandra Dollard, a Black female, shot and killed Robert Langley, 46, on February 6th. Dollard was employed as a police officer for Hemingway, South Carolina. Langley […]
$40k per year DC private school forces small children to march and chant with BLM signs
A super-high dollar private school in Washington DC appears to be little more than a training camp for future left-wing extremists. A video recently appeared on Tik Tok showing small children forced to march around a […]
Ousted Black TN State Senator says her removal from office was “a public lynching”
“It’s sexist, it’s racist, it’s discriminatory” – Katrina Robinson In 2015, Robinson founded The Healthcare Institute, which advertised itself as “Tennessee’s only Black-owned nursing college.” The tiny nursing school is located inside a Memphis strip […]
Florida Senate Committee passes bill to ban anti-White discrimination & scapegoating in schools and workplace
The Florida State Senate Education Committee voted 6 to 3 to pass a bill outlawing the most vicious forms of anti-White discrimination and racial demonization in public schools and the workplace. Senate Bill 148, called […]