Pitts Davis is a 52-year-old Black female circuit court judge. She was elected to the position last November after participating in Black Lives Matter marches and rallies. She pledged to bring her activism to the bench.
So far, that promise has had deadly consequences for the community.
Victoria Afet, a 23-year-old Black female, was arrested in February for attacking and robbing a 74-year-old victim. The incident took place at the Skyline Apartments, where the victim lives. Afet is accused of biting the victim and robbing her of $38. It was the tenth time Afet had been arrested in twelve months.
Onondaga County District Attorney Bill Fitzpatrick asked Judge Davis for $50k bail. However, Davis has made it her personal mission to reduce the number of Black people in custody, and the Black Lives Matter movement says bail is “institutional racism.” She denied the request for bail and freed Afet, despite the obvious risk she posed to the community.
Eight days later, on March 26th, police say she went back to the same Skyline Apartment and murdered Connie Tuori, a 93-year-old White female resident.
These are all the crimes she is accused of by the Onondaga County District Attorney’s office for the 12 months leading up to the murder:
Auto Theft
Armed Robbery (knife)
Armed Robbery Again (knife)
Assault Again
Probation Violation
Auto Theft Again
Failure to Appear in Court.
Also during 2020, she was actually sentenced to nine months in jail but freed in less than three weeks. The fact that a judge would release her without bail is almost unbelievable.
My comment must be kept to myself. A patriot surely knows what my thoughts are regarding an action that if repeated enough might lead to the much-needed Civil War Two that will end this madness forever!!!