Gun Violence Archive has classified 31 fatal shootings as “road rage” in 2023. However, three of these are being treated as self-defense.
Of the 28 treated as murders, 19 are solved:
Black-on-Black: 5
Black-on-Unknown: 3
Black-on-Latino: 1
Black-on-White: 1
Latino-on-Latino: 4
Latino-on-Black: 1
White-on-White: 4*
Black Victim: 2
Latino Victim: 6
White Victim: 1
*One of the White-on-White “road rage” killings has been determined to have been part of a motorcycle club war.
https://www.ktvu.com/news/road-rage-shootings-high-report-worst-us-states – “Between 2014 and 2023, the number of people shot in a road rage incident spiked more than 400%” This of course coincides with the beginning of the new racial wreck-oning era catalyzed primarily by the shenanigans of Trayvon & Mike Brown.
Despite rising dramatically, I believe the actual number is vastly underreported. This interactive map shows 23 people were successfully shot on just one stretch of highway (I-10) in New Orleans in one year: https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/new-orleans-interstate-shootings-see-map-of-locations-and-theories-from-police/article_91e3297e-ee65-11ec-8036-1be4bbaa79f0.html
The article lists 7 fatal interstate shootings in this city in 2022. There were tons more on the city’s small to mid-sized streets. So Gun Violence Archive’s claim that there were only 31 fatal road shootings nationwide the following year is laughable. I bet there were a few dozen just in NOLA that year. (Upon further reflection, I guess GVA only counts non-premeditated killings that occur in the heat of the moment as “road rage” ones. Many road killings are coldly premeditated, & thus would not count. But I still think GVA’s # is way too low.)
Given blacks’ marksmanship, the amount of actual shots fired on this stretch of interstate in New Orleans was surely at least in the several hundreds, or thousands, counting all the missed shots. They are the only ethnicity I’m mentioning because they reliably commit 97% of NOLA’s homicides annually. They commit homicide at over 100x the White rate there, compared to only ~10x nationwide.