People are starting to notice and use the data from this website on Twitter.
These are the current stats for our Interracial Homicide Tracking Project for 2023 & 2024 combined. We have 2,689 individual confirmed interracial homicides for these years. Note that new confirmed homicides are added almost every day. We also already have many for 2025.
Total homicides: 2,689
Black-on-White: 1073
Black-on-Latino: 416
Black-on-Other: 133
Latino-on-White: 337
Latino-on-Black: 210
Latino-on-Other: 48
Other-on-White: 77
Other-on-Black: 36
Other-on-Latino: 29
Other-on-Other*: 7
White-on-Black: 186
White-on-Latino: 104
White-on-Other: 33