Disclaimer: National Conservative does not advocate censorship, we would much rather see Antifa members prosecuted for the thousands of actual crimes they commit.
As we reported before, the violent inauguration day rioting was advertised in advance and celebrated in real-time on Twitter using the hashtag #J20. Twitter’s unwillingness to enforce its own rules against left-wing accounts has sparked a huge backlash.
Now, Twitter is in damage control and deleted at least four of the most extreme Antifa accounts on January 21st. Two of the accounts are for the explicitly violent Antifa group Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement [RAM]. The group romanticizes the YPG, the armed wing of the Kurdish Marxist political party, PYD, which controls a small area of northeastern Syria. They call the YPG a “model for revolution.” This group is primarily known to operate in the Philadelphia and New York City areas.
Another account is for The Base, a Brooklyn Bookstore that calls itself a “Revolutionary Anarchist Center.”The bookstore advertises Antifa training classes, including so-called “fight training.” Their website also mentions links to RAM. The term “The Base,” is a phrase associated with intelligence community lingo and also the meaning of the Arabic word “al-Qaeda.”

The fourth account, @JewishWorker, used a molotov cocktail as its avatar and header, along with the tagline “Zionism is Goyish.” The term goyish in this context is a derogatory term for non-Jews. Antifa members tend to be anti-Israel, even if they identify as being Jewish.
The four accounts had a combined following of 71k, though a lot of that probably overlapped.
@RevAbolition (RAM)
@RevAbolitionNYC (RAM)
@TheBaseBK (Brooklyn “Revolutionary Anarchist” Bookstore and Antifa training center)

RAM is one of the most explicitly violent organized Antifa groups out there. Here is a video they distribute online.