Surprise! Murder suspect, released from custody, is now charged with shooting up a Waffle House

Who could have foreseen this?

Taren Lyles

One of major demands of the American left is to make it easier for suspects to be released from custody while their trial is pending. This is a significant contributing factor to the explosion in homicide rates in dozens of major cities.

Mark “Bubba Rachi” Ellis, 28, allegedly slaughtered Taren Lyles, 22, in 2018. The murder took place right in front of her two kids. He was arrested and indicted for first-degree murder in July of 2021. Despite being a convicted felon, he was released on bond within weeks.

It should come as no surprise that he has been arrested for allegedly shooting up a Waffle House and injuring several people with flying glass.

Ellis also had a current federal detainer agreement. It appears he was being coddled by both local and federal authorities.

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