Rasmussen: Over half of Whites and two-thirds of Blacks agree that the media is “truly the enemy of the people”

Legacy media has no credibility

Rasmussen asked 1,000 “likely voters” the following three questions

Do you trust the political news you are getting?

37% say they trust the political news they’re getting, compared to 43% who don’t trust it.
20% are not sure

How serious of a problem is “fake news” in the media?

83% believe “fake news” is a serious problem in the media, compared to 14% who disagree.
92% of Republicans believe “fake news” is a serious problem, compared to 74% of Democrats.
82% of independents believe it to be a serious problem.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement: The media are “truly the enemy of the people”?

58% at least somewhat agree, including 34% who Strongly Agree.
36% don’t agree, including 23% who Strongly Disagree.

76% of Republicans agree
37% of Democrats agree.
61% of independents agree

56% of Whites agree
63% of Blacks agree
60% of other non-Whites agree

In a separate poll, Rasmussen found that 54% believe that most reporters who write or talk about President Joe Biden are attempting to help him pass his agenda.

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