The Washington Post [WaPo] is publishing a series of videos pushing extreme conspiratorial narratives against White people. For example, in a video published over the weekend, they make a blood libel against White people claiming that White police have “killed thousands of George Floyds.”
They also published a video recently accusing many Asians and Latinos of being “racist” against Black people. WaPo says they were forced to adopt racism as a “survival mechanism.” This is referred to as being “White adjacent.”
WaPo’s Nicole Ellis, a mixed Black/White parentage woman, is the host of these videos, which are titled “The New Normal.” The video about Asians and Latinos begins by denouncing skin-lightening creams. These creams are supposed to be proof of the video’s anti-White narrative. Ironically, Ellis has chemically straightened hair, which arguably makes her look like she is attempting to appear more like a White person.
You have to wonder if Ellis, or anyone else at the Washington Post, has any self-awareness whatsoever.
The WaPo video then explains that it is a racist myth that Asians living in the USA have a high level of success and commit low crime rates. They claim that the myth of Asian success is “inherently anti-Black.”
Billionaire Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.