Elon Musk recently called for large increases in foreign guest worker visas. This sparked a wave of criticism against Musk, and was followed by a wave of accounts being banned or demonetized who led the criticism.
Musk publicly pledged to “go to war” over the issue and told his critics to “FUCK YOURSELF in the face.”
President elect Donald Trump, then publicly reversed his position on H-1B visas and backed Musk’s views.
This was Donald Trump opposing H1-B visas in 2016:
When a reporter asked Trump about the controversy on Twitter this weekend, Trump responded, “I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them. I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program.”
Musk has recently drawn attention to the old news of thousands of young White British girls being raped by gangs of Pakistani men in Great Britain. I’m glad he has brought this back to the surface and sincerely hope some semblance of credible justice comes of it. However, I think this may be a tactic to draw attention away from the H1-B visa fiasco. We should not let up on our criticism of the H1-B visa program. Should we invite the same behavior into our own society as they have in Britain, and that’s what it could easily become. Don’t we have enough rape already? Nor do I want to forget the heinous crimes committed against our young cousins across the pond and we need to expose their political leaders as the mealy-mouthed worms they truly are for not protecting these children. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!