Éric Zemmour is currently one of the leading presidential candidates in France. His parents are Jewish immigrants from Algeria. Last night he held a rally in Villepinte, north of Paris.
During the rally, Antifa launched a violent rampage. Scores of Antifa massed outside of the event hall to attack rally attendees and the police.
The police arrested 39 of the Antifa. A spokesman for the police department said 11 of those apprehended had either Molotov cocktails or bottles of acid.
At least a dozen Antifa went into the rally to cause a disruption. One of them physically assaulted Éric Zemmour. Police say they are charging him with pre-meditated assault. Zemmour declined to comment to the media about the attack.
It is ironic that in both the USA and France, many of the targets of Antifa violence are from minority groups that Antifa claims it “protects.” Recently we reported on how French Antifa attacked a Lesbian organization during a homosexual pride parade in Bordeaux, France.
🔴 L’agresseur d’Éric #Zemmour est connu pour des faits de droit commun. Il a été placé en garde à vue pour “violences avec préméditation (BFMTV). #police #ZemmourVillepinte pic.twitter.com/eISYcCMo4G
— Amaury Brelet (@AmauryBrelet) December 5, 2021
VILLEPINTE – Plusieurs manifestants anti-#Zemmour sont repoussés par la BRAVM.
Un appel à manifester proche du meeting d’#EricZemmour a été lancé sur les réseaux sociaux. pic.twitter.com/ODEoL0OX9A
— Clément Lanot (@ClementLanot) December 5, 2021
After violent Antifa attacked French presidential candidate Éric Zemmour, his supporters chanted “everyone hates Antifa!” pic.twitter.com/DveQ2FBNok
— Renaissance Horizon (@RenaissanceHor1) December 6, 2021