First “victim” of Antifa related mass shooting identified

She is a left-wing militant that currently faces a felony charge

One of the women shot during the Antifa-related mass shooting in Portland is Dajah Beck. A 39-year-old woman with a documented history of participating in left-wing riots. The New York Times just published an article containing information obtained from Beck’s lawyer.

Here is what we know:

She was previously arrested and charged with multiple misdemeanors at an Antifa riot in Portland in September of 2020. 

She was arrested and charged with a felony at an Antifa riot in Tigard, Oregon, on January 7th, 2021.

On Twitter, Dajah Beck stated that she spent Sunday lawyering up.

According to both the Portland Police and the New York Times, Antifa refuses to cooperate with the investigation.

Beck’s lawyer concedes that she was illegally blocking a residential street at the time of the shooting. He calls this “rerouting traffic.”

Beck’s lawyer says an armed homeowner became enraged and confronted her and other militants blocking the street.

Two bullets hit Beck, one in the side and one in the leg.

Portland police have still not disclosed the identities of the two suspects who were arrested at the scene.

According to the Oregonian, there were at least two shooters. They claim the local homeowner fired eight rounds from a 45. Another shooter fired a rifle at least once. A reporter for the Oregonian says that Antifa may have removed crime scene evidence.

Wesley Fant, an Antifa previously charged with a gun crime, is using the shooting to raise tens of thousands on GoFundMe. Fant also faces possible charges for violence that occurred during an Antifa riot on May 5th, 2021.

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