Christian Peterson, a reporter who works for Exakt 24 in Göteborg, Sweden, was targeted by Antifa. Peterson had recently written an expose Henrik Johansson, an alleged left-wing militant employed to work with children.
First, Antifa vandalized the office of Exakt 24.
Then, two Antifa militants went to Peterson’s family home. One of them was captured on camera breaking a window and hurling a flaming/smoking object inside. The window went to the bedroom of Peterson’s younger sister. The girl was in bed at the time and began screaming for “help.”
Peterson’s home was equipped with multiple security cameras because Antifa had vandalized it in the past. Local police say the assailant will face vandalism and aggravated assault charges. The fire department described the object as a “smoke torch.”
‼️I höstas gjorde AFA flera hembesök hos mig, och jag visste att de skulle komma tillbaka.
👨🏻💻💬 Men sista gången gick det inte som de hade tänkt – båda vänsterextremister flydde i panik. Jag jagade ifatt dem och polisen har nu genomfört en husrannsakan.
📹Se vad som hände ⤵️ pic.twitter.com/8qb21oO2JE
— Christian (@AssarChristian) May 19, 2021