A bill to ban the transitioning of minors received the highest level of Democrat support ever in the Louisiana House.
Seven Democrat members of the Louisiana House voted yes on HB 648. This is 21% of all Democrats in the House, and 24% of all Democrats who cast a vote on this bill. One Republican voted no. There are two independents. One voted yes and one voted no. The vote was taken on May 16th
It has not been voted on in the Senate yet.
Previously, the highest levels of Democrat support for such bills occurred in the Texas, Tennessee, and Mississippi Houses.
On May 15th, five Democrats voted in favor of SB 14. This was 8.2% of Democrats voting and 7.7% of Democrats in the Texas House overall. Zero Democrats in the Texas Senate voted yes.
Three Democrats in Tennessee House voted yes on on SB 01, on February 23rd.
This is actually 18.8% of Democrats voting and 15.8% of Democrats overall. However, zero Democrats voted yes in the Tennessee Senate.
Four Democrats in the Mississippi House voted yes on HB 1125, on January 19th.
This is 11.8% of Democrats who voted on the bill and 8.9% of Democrats overall. In the Mississippi Senate, zero Democrats voted yes.
In many states, zero Democrats in the entire legislature voted yes.