Year: 2024

Left-wing militants training to fight with the police at Emory College
This was videotaped with a drone at Emory College – Atlanta Campus View video on Instagram

What will aggressive affirmative action do for the airline industry?
A financially successful Black airline mechanic has been charged with the unprovoked double murder of his White neighbors in a posh, high-dollar Wellington, Florida neighborhood. Norman Scott, 67, and his daughter are both profiled on the website […]

NY State Rep defends comments about reclaiming congressional seat for her race
NY State Rep Inez Dickens, who represents Harlem, recently gave a speech complaining that a Dominican immigrants holds NY’s District 13 Congressional seat. She says the district was “carved out for a Black” and that […]

Assault Homicide Deaths from 2014-2021
Most states in the USA have yet to publish statewide official homicide tallies for 2021. We only have partial tallies that were submitted to the FBI. However, the CDC tracks assault homicides deaths and has official data […]

Another “White” serial killer
The state of Florida continues to classify Blacks, who have Spanish surnames, as White people in crime data. This is not isolated to Orange County; it is statewide. Carlos Baez-Nieves has been charged with the murders of two alleged prostitutes, Nichole […]

Louisiana Supreme Court approves the break-up of Baton Rouge
The Louisiana Supreme Court voted to grant residents of southern Baton Rouge the right to secede and incorporate a new city. The justices voted 4-3 to reverse a lower court decision. Residents approved the creation […]

Deadliest mass shooters of the past forty months
Between 1/1/21 and 4/40/23, there were 231 mass shootings with three or more fatalities. A mass shooting is defined as four or more total victims. We use Gun Violence Archive to identify all the mass shootings. There […]

Seven mass shootings over the weekend
There were seven mass shootings across the country over the weekend. However, despite 37 people being shot, only two were killed. Two of the shooters were also killed by police. Washington, DC: 6 shot, 0 killed Police say Rennwel Mantock, […]