National Conservative is still adding new confirmed interracial homicides to our 2023 database.
This has become the largest and most comprehensive picture of interracial homicides in the USA ever created. This is an open source project, and anyone can participate by submitting and reviewing the data.
The purpose of this study is so Americans can compare the sensationalistic rhetoric of media, politicians, and activist groups with reality.
We are closing in on 1,300 confirmed interracial homicides for 2023.
The four most common types of interracial homicides in the USA:
Blacks killing Whites: 42.1% of the total
Blacks killing Latinos: 14.2% of the total
Whites killings Blacks: 7.1% of the total
Latinos killing Blacks: 6.7% of the total
Blacks killing Other: 5.3% of the total
Note that cities with a Black majority have significantly lower rates of solving murders than other cities. Murders committed by Blacks are more likely to occur at the spur of the moment compared to other races. That is why Black suspects charged with murders are significantly less likely to face the death penalty than other races. The murders are not considered pre-meditated. These murders are also less likely to be solved. So keep in mind that murders by Blacks are less likely to have a suspect. This means that Black suspects are the most underrepresented when it comes to solved murders.
In other words, if homicides committed by all races were solved at equal rates, the percentage of Black suspects in this study would be even higher!
Full Tally: 1,291
Black-on-White: 543
Black-on-Latino: 184
Black-on-Central Asian: 18
Black-on-East Asian: 23
Black-on-Middle Eastern: 21
Black-on-Pacific Islander: 3
Black-on-American Indian: 3
Black Suspects: 795 (61.6%)
Black Victims: 192 (14.9%)
Latino-on-White: 167
Latino-on-Black: 86
Latino-on-East Asian: 11
Latino-on-Central Asian: 3
Latino-on-American Indian: 1
Latino-on-Middle Eastern: 3
Latino-on-Pacific Islander: 1
Latino Suspects: 272 (21.1%)
Latino Victims: 245 (19.0%)
American Indian-on-White: 11
American Indian-on-Black: 4
American Indian-on-Latino: 1
Alaskan Native-on-White: 1
East Asian-on-Latino: 3
East Asian-on-White: 12
East Asian-on-Black: 2
East Asian-on-Pacific Islander: 1
Central Asian-on-Black: 2
Central Asian-on-White: 1
Pacific Islander-on-White: 7
Pacific Islander-on-Latino: 3
Pacific Islander-on-Black: 2
Pacific Islander-on-East Asian: 3
Pacific Islander-on-Central Asian: 1
Middle Eastern-on-White: 7
Middle Eastern-on-Latino: 1
Middle Eastern-on-Black: 4
Other Suspects: 66 (5.1%)
Other Victims: 105 (8.1%)
White-on-Black: 92
White-on-Latino: 53
White-on-Central Asian: 5
White-on-Pacific Islander: 3
White-on-East Asian: 3
White-on-American Indian: 1
White-on-Middle Eastern: 1
White Suspects: 158 (12.2%)
White Victims: 749 (58.0%)