Since 2015, multi-billionaire political activist George Soros has been using PACs to fund campaigns for candidates to be chief prosecutors of various localities of the USA. These are candidates who advocate “progressive prosecution,” a radical ideology rooted in Marxist and Intersectionality theories.
Progressive prosecution means that the prosecutor should take an active role in reducing the number of incarcerated people. This reduction is generally focused on specific categories of individuals based on Intersectionality theory. So instead of saying “I will be a fair and just prosecutor by treating everyone the same,” they flip this on its head by saying “I will be a fair and just prosecutor by treating people differently based on things like race, gender, class, religion, and other factors.”
George Soros funds the political campaigns of prosecutors through multiple political action committees [PAC]. There is the national Justice and Public Safety PAC, along with a multitude of state-registered PACs with slightly different names. Then there are more PACs that are jointly funded by Soros and other wealthy activists. Here at National Conservative, we believe that “progressive prosecution” is a dangerous ideology, with severe consequences.
Fans of George Soros will argue that his money is “leveling the playing field” for underdogs. However, the amount of money spent by Soros-funded PACs is often more than the total money raised by any other candidate in the race. This allows candidates backed by Soros to dominate in advertising. Many would argue that this is a complete subversion of democracy.
The network of PACs, which are exclusively or partially funded by George Soros, spent the following amounts campaigning for various people.
Spent $406k campaigning for James E. Stewart, who won the race for Caddo Parish District Attorney. (We have already written about James E. Stewart in more detail)
Spent $89k campaigning for Scott Colom, who won the race for District Attorney of Mississippi Judicial District 16.
Spent $330k campaigning for Kim Foxx, who was elected State’s Attorney for Cook County, IL.
Spent $1.4 million campaigning for Aramis Ayala, who was elected Orange-Osceola State Attorney.
Spent $191k campaigning for Kim Gardner, who was elected St. Louis, Missouri Circuit Attorney.
Spent $1.4 million campaigning for Larry Krasner, who was elected Philadelphia District Attorney.
Spent $400k campaigning for Noah Phillips, who lost his race for Sacramento County, California District Attorney
Spent $300k campaigning for Rachael Rollins, who was elected Suffolk County, Massachusettes District Attorney
Spent $583k campaigning for Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, who was elected Arlington County & City of Falls Church commonwealth’s attorney
Spent $392k campaigning for Steve T. Descano, who was elected Fairfax County commonwealth’s attorney
Spent $600k campaigning for Chesa Boudin, who was elected San Francisco County District Attorney (We have already written about Chesa Boudin in more detail)
Spent $1 million campaigning for Jack Stollsteimer, who was elected Delaware County, Pennsylvania District Attorney
Spent $2 million for the successful re-election of Cook County, Illinois State’s Attorney Kim Foxx
Spent $116k for the successful re-election of St. Louis, Missouri Circuit Attorney Kim Gardener
Spent $2.25 million campaigning for George Gascón, who was elected Los Angeles County, CA District Attorney
Spent $1 million campaigning for Monique Worrell, who was elected Orange-Osceola, Florida State Attorney (Soros backed Aramis Ayala did not seek re-election)
Spent $220k campaigning for Jason Williams, who was elected Orleans Parish, Louisiana District Attorney
Spent $760k campaigning for Joe Kimoke, who lost the election for Broward County, Florida State Attorney.
James E Stewart was re-elected Caddo Parish, LA District Attorney but without any obvious support from George Soros