Last Friday, thousands of Antifa rioted in Berlin as police tried to clear an illegal Antifa squatter camp called “Köpi 137.” Antifa claimed Köpi was an “autonomous zone.”
Eventually police used armored vehicle and forklifts to smash through metal barricades around the Köpi squatter camp. However, Antifa left a path of destruction through the city. A total of 76 people were arrested and 46 police officers were injured.
It took a force of 3,500 officers from nine different German states to suppress the violence.
Antifa is openly supported by the Green Party, which is one of the largest political parties in Berlin. They have also been supported by leaders of the former East German Communist Party and the Free Democrats in Berlin.
The Green party openly used the Antifa name and their logos in official campaign literature in the recent Berlin election last September.
Nach der Räumung des besetzten “#Köpi“-Wagencamps randalierten am Freitagabend Linksautonome in #Kreuzberg und zerstörten unter anderem Scheiben. Anwohner kritisieren, die #Polizei habe nicht genug eingegriffen. Diese verteidigt ihre Einsatzstrategie. #Berlin pic.twitter.com/guOWpNZMZM
— rbb|24 (@rbb24) October 17, 2021
Earlier in the day, German police broke down the wielded barriers set up at an antifa autonomous zone that housed dozens of their comrades in central Berlin. At night, thousands gathered to riot in response. They started fires & smashed up property. pic.twitter.com/bwVsPyB5xe
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) October 18, 2021
Am Abend ist die Stimmung ziemlich aggressiv. Mehr Videos im Thread #b1510 pic.twitter.com/SQ6btT8ImC
— Ferdinand Knapp (@ferdinandknapp) October 15, 2021
#b1510 pic.twitter.com/kZFQE6vx8p
— Ferdinand Knapp (@ferdinandknapp) October 15, 2021
Die Polizei hat die Barrikaden durchbrochen. Die ersten Besetzer werden hinausgeführt #b1510 pic.twitter.com/82OEjroiJe
— Ferdinand Knapp (@ferdinandknapp) October 15, 2021
— oak_tree_upheaval (@oaktreeupheaval) October 16, 2021