Margaret Louise Carter was born in 1935 in Shreveport, Louisiana. In 1967, she fled to Oregon with her children to escape a violently abusive husband. In 1984 she became the first Black female elected to the Oregon State House.
She recently told the media that seeing Antifa & BLM vandalism at the Oregon Historical Society, the headquarters of the Oregon Democratic Party, and Portland Boys & Girls Club has brought her to tears. She is now publicly begging left-wing militants to halt their violence. She said the violence has impacted Portland’s poorest residence the hardest. “Many who are of lower income, many who have no other means of providing food for their families are now without any means because the businesses have to close.”
“Portland was a beautiful city. Now you walk around and see all the graffiti, buildings being boarded up. I get sick to my stomach. And I get angry.”
Avel Louise Gordly is another long-time fixture in the Oregon Democratic Party. She was the first Black female elected to the Oregon State Senate, which occurred in 1997. She also denounced the violence saying, “we have a choice to make. Will we choose chaos in the streets and destruction, or will we reject that and choose a path of peace?”
Oregon’s ABC affiliate KATU interviewed the two women about left-wing violence.
Recently, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who used to defend Antifa, publicly begged the public to provide police with tips on Antifa members and to call the police when they spot groups of Antifa.
Long-time Portland BLM leader Teressa Raiford fired back. She says that Democratic leaders like Ted Wheeler care more about property than they do about human lives. Raiford is still aggressively promoted by some media outlets, such as the New York Times, as a “social justice” leader.
Recently, Portland Antifa Twitter accounts have declared that all private and public property are legitimate targets. Raiford appears to believe this as well.