Left: Dominic Burris, Right: Cyrell Boyd
National Conservative remains the only media outlet that has shown the photos of the two shooters. We were also the only media outlet that published the description of the shooters when they were still at large.
On August 11, 2023, two 17-year-old street thugs, who appear to have American Indian backgrounds, opened fire on a backyard punk rock concert being held in a residential neighborhood. The neighborhood is almost all non-White, but the people at the concert were overwhelmingly White and self-described as “anti-racists.” So-called “DIY punk venues” in residential neighborhoods is something Antifa has done for decades. They usually target non-White neighborhoods where no one calls the police.
According to defense lawyers, Dominic Burris and Cyrell Boyd, both 17 at the time, tried to get beer from the makeshift bar in the backyard. When they were denied service, they became enraged and eventually opened fire.
Self-described anti-racist and socialist activist Nick “August” Golden, 35, was killed. Six other people were injured. Within hours of the attack, major Antifa accounts were announcing fundraisers for the victims. Within days of the attack, major Antifa social media accounts declared the shooting an “anti-LGBTQ attack by cis-gendered perps.” Some Antifa accounts even chastised their supporters for requesting more details and ordered them to stick to the narrative.
The far-left, George Soros funded, Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty has endorsed the official narrative of the attack given by major Antifa leaders. She is calling it an ” attack on members of our LGBTQ+ community.” At the same time, Moriarty has coddled the perps with shocking generous plea deals.

Cyrell Boyd, who alleges he only fired one bullet, was given a zero prison time free pass in exchange for his testimony. Instead, he will briefly stay at the Red Wing residential facility and receive free job training. Red Wing is a cozy 88-bed facility, operated since the 1880s, more like a college dormitory than a detention center. He will be fully released back into the wild at age 21.
Now, the primary shooter, Dominic Burris, has been given a sweetheart plea deal for only twenty-three years. The radical Mary Moriarty falsely bragged that 23 years “holds him accountable for the significant harm he caused and protects our community.”
Despite giving Boyd a free pass for his testimony, Moriarty did not even require Burris to plead guilty to murder! She only required him to plead guilty to “aiding and abetting second-degree intentional murder and aiding and abetting first-degree assault, great bodily harm.”
How is shooting people, not murder and assault but “aiding and abetting murder and assault?”