Yesterday, Martin Foley, the Victoria, Australia Minister of Health, said that 78% of all current Covid-19 hospital patients were fully vaccinated even though only 47.7% of the residents of Victoria are fully vaccinated.
On September 27th, the New South Wales Ministry of Health held a press conference. They said the government will begin ending lockdown measures for the fully vaccinated on October 11th. The unvaccinated will still be banned from many public places until December 1st.
The Ministry disclosed details on the last seven deaths:
1 in their 40s
1 in their 50s
2 in their 70s
2 in their 80s
1 in their 90s3 were fully vaccinated
3 were partially vaccinated
1 was unvaccinated
All seven had pre-existing health problems
Critics of the plan, say the government of NSW wants to punish those who did not get the vaccine for political reasons, not scientific reasons. Less than 50% of Australia is fully vaccinated. However, a large number have also received their first dose of an mRNA vaccine.
Wake up people, they are trolling you pic.twitter.com/ECwuqXbRHi
— Tony (@_Mrtdogg) September 29, 2021