Illinois man arrested for decapitating pregnant ex-girlfriend


Deundrea Holloway has been arrested for the murder of Liese Dodd, his pregnant ex-girlfriend. He has been charged with two counts of first degree murder. Relative went to check on Dodd after not hearing from her in a while. They fold her decapitated with her head tossed in a dumpster.

Deundrea Holloway was initially arrested for allegedly stealing a bicycle thirty miles away from the murder scene. He told police his name was John Doe. They later discovered he was the murder suspect.

Liese Dodd was due to give birth on July 27th. Dodd is said to have had an “on again off again” relationship with Holloway for two years.

Femicide in the Black community is a major problem that no one wants to talk about for fear of being called “racist.”

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health looked at ten years of data. Black females married to black males are 9 times more likely to be victims of spousal homicide than White females married to White males. The study found that interracial marriages where the male is Black had the highest spousal homicide rate. White females married to Black males are 12.4 times more likely to be murdered by their husbands than White females married to White males. Source: J A Mercy and L E Saltzman. Fatal violence among spouses in the United States, 1976-85.. American Journal of Public Health: May 1989, Vol. 79, No. 5, pp. 595-599.

The American Nurses Association says intimate partner violence is a leading cause of death for young black women.

Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol 7, No. 1

Femicide, the killing of women, is also most often perpetrated by current or former husbands or boyfriends (Browne, 1993; Schnitzer & Runyan, 1995).

Among African American women between the ages of 15 and 44, femicide is the leading cause of premature death (Office of Justice Programs, 1998). Near fatal femicide of African American women also contributes to long term disabling injuries and conditions. Most often the men who kill or abuse these women are their intimate partners i.e., husbands, lovers, ex-husbands or ex-lovers (Bachman & Saltzman, 1995; Bailey, et al., 1997; Mercy & Saltzman, 1989). Therefore, “The National Black Women’s Health Project” has identified the battering of women as the number one health issue for African American women (Joseph, 1997).”

According to WebMD

In 1998, Salber and Taliaferro reported that the spousal homicide rate among African Americans is 8.4 times more than for whites. The incidence of spousal homicide is 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages compared to intraracial marriages.

The CDC report says that homicides (2004) were the:

* the second leading cause of death for Black women aged 15-24 years. (20% of all premature deaths)
* the fifth leading cause of death for Black women aged 25-34 years.

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suppress the oppressors
1 year ago


thats why we must do away with the nuclear family!!

so that bm cant be charged with murdering allll thee females