Georgia Senate Bill 140 has been passed and signed into law. The bill outlaws irreversible hormone-altering drugs and gender reassignment surgeries for minors.
The bill may not be as strong as other states. Minors who are already being given transsexual drugs can continue taking them. It also says that doctors can continue prescribing hormone-altering drugs for other non-specified reasons, just not for the purpose of “sex reassignment.”
The bill was passed by the Georgia Senate on March 3rd by a vote of 33 to 22. The House passed an amended version on March 16th by a vote of 96 to 75. This amended version was confirmed by Senate 32 to 21 on March 21st. It was just signed by the Governor.
The Kentucky legislature passed SB 150 to block transsexual drugs and procedures for minors. The bill also sets comprehensive new guidelines for sex education in Schools. It increases parental rights and bans public schools from allowing boys in the woman’s bathrooms or showers. The bill also blocks schools from requiring teachers or students to use special pronouns. It passed the House by 75 to 22 and the Senate by 30 to 7. It was vetoed by Governor Andrew Graham Beshear.
Overriding the Governor’s veto is just a formality, as the legislature has more than enough votes. The Kentucky legislature has already overridden numerous vetoes by the Governor, including SB 83, which bans schools from allowing males to compete in female sports.
Other States:
The West Virginia version of this bill, which passed by landslide veto-proof majorities, was delivered to the Governor on March 22nd and is awaiting his signature.
An Oklahoma version of the bill was referred to the Senate rules committee on March 23rd.
Also, on March 23rd, the South Carolina Senate debated S. 627, which is considered very likely to become law. This bill would ban transsexual drugs and procedures on minors. It would combat activist school teachers who are trying to secretly groom children to be transsexuals. It would also ban anyone from changing their sex on a South Carolina birth certificate.
The South Carolina bill, or at least something very similar to it, is likely to see a landslide victory. The bill is being sponsored by twenty-six state Senators.There are a total of forty-six members, so a majority of the Senate is already sponsoring the bill.
In Louisiana, HB570 was sent to the House Committee on Child Welfare on March 14th.
Previous states:
Tennessee’s SB0001 was signed into law by the Governor on March 2nd.
Mississippi’s HB1125 was signed into law by the Governor on February 28th.
Alabama and Arizona enacted similar laws in 2022. Utah and South Dakota passed similar laws last January.
Arkansas enacted a similar law in 2021 after overriding a veto by Governor Huckabee.
Florida and Texas have banned transsexual drugs and procedures for minors via the executive. However, these are not likely to survive legal challenges.
A possible interstate showdown is looming. Radical members of the Washington state senate, some of whom are committee chairs, want to legalize the harboring of out-of-state runaway minors. The stated purpose of this is to give these minors permanently disfiguring transsexual medical procedures. Their bill, SB5599, equates a lack of transsexual “care” to a child being beaten or starved by their parent.