Father & son pulled from their car and beaten by gang of thugs in NYC

Was it a hate crime?

A group of Black males on dirt bikes and an ATV pulled two men out their vehicle in New York City. The victims, a father and son aged 64 and 36, were beaten and robbed. Both victims required hospitalization and were robbed of possessions.

One of the perpetrators ran a red light, colliding with the victim’s car. Then the whole group attacked the two men like a wolf pack.

The attack occurred in Harlem. The race of the victims has not been disclosed by police or media. However, New York City has been witnessing a large number of Black on White, Black on Asian, Black on homosexual, and Black on Jewish hate crimes. However, media and the NYPD typically drop all mention of race or the phrase “hate crime” when the victims are non-homosexual Whites.

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