Devret Clarke, 37, has been charged with capital murder for allegedly killing Gars-Ara Kourjakian. The victim was found dead in the underground parking garage of his apartment complex on Dec 30th, 2022. Kourjakian’s five-year-old daughter witnessed the murder.
Clarke is said to be a former resident of the complex who lived directly underneath the Kourjakian family. He moved out of the complex in mid-2021.
Devret Clarke is a prolific author of books for the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. Followers of this movement have committed dozens of murders over decades, including the murder of Martin Luther King Jr’s mother.
Clarke referred to himself as a member of the Israelite tribe of Benjamin. He said that White people were the descendants of Edom and would be slaughtered by Blacks in the future.
Canadian media are censoring Clarke’s background. At best, they only state that he is “an author” without mentioning what the books are about. The victim has an Armenian name.