Black homicide suspects per state

57.6% were Black nationwide

Click here to see the map in higher resolution. Note, we discovered a mistake. The wrong value was used for Washington State in the map. The Black percentage of suspects in 34.0%.

This is the percentage of Black homicide suspects per state in the new 2022 FBI data.

The three columns represent the Black percentage of all known homicide suspects. The percentage of law enforcement agencies in the state reporting data to the FBI. The overall percentage of the population that is Black, according to the US Census Bureau.

Note: For Washington DC, there are three law enforcement agencies. However, the one that did not report most likely would have reported zero. I believe that the Washington DC, homicide data is 100% represented.

2022 Homicide Suspects (FBI UCR)
Black Suspect % Reporting Overall Black %
Alabama 78.2% 90.0% 26.8%
Alaska 16.0% 84.6% 3.7%
Arizona 26.0% 85.0% 5.5%
Arkansas 68.4% 95.1% 15.6%
California 31.0% 97.7% 6.5%
Colorado 26.2% 94.0% 4.7%
Connecticut 57.7% 100.0% 12.9%
Delaware 69.8% 100.0% 23.8%
Florida 66.5% 48.4% 17.0%
Georgia 82.6% 68.9% 33.1%
Hawaii 18.2% 75.0% 2.2%
Idaho 1.4% 99.1% 1.0%
Illinois 72.8% 56.2% 14.7%
Indiana 61.4% 60.0% 10.3%
Iowa 49.1% 81.7% 4.4%
Kansas 59.4% 80.7% 6.2%
Kentucky 41.1% 97.1% 8.7%
Louisiana 81.4% 59.0% 32.8%
Maine 24.2% 99.2% 2.0%
Maryland 84.3% 96.8% 31.7%
Massachusetts 45.5% 92.5% 9.5%
Michigan 80.3% 92.5% 14.1%
Minnesota 70.9% 98.6% 7.6%
Mississippi 78.2% 56.9% 37.8%
Missouri 70.9% 84.0% 11.7%
Montana 2.0% 96.5% 0.6%
Nebraska 30.6% 91.3% 5.4%
Nevada 45.1% 76.4% 10.8%
New Hampshire 3.7% 96.8% 2.0%
New Jersey 67.0% 93.9% 15.4%
New Mexico 11.7% 73.8% 2.7%
New York 68.7% 94.2% 17.7%
North Carolina 74.5% 76.8% 22.2%
North Dakota 20.7% 100.0% 3.6%
Ohio 67.9% 74.5% 13.3%
Oklahoma 44.4% 100.0% 7.9%
Oregon 21.6% 89.8% 2.3%
Pennsylvania 69.3% 84.0% 12.2%
Rhode Island 54.5% 100.0% 9.1%
South Carolina 79.1% 91.8% 26.3%
South Dakota 14.0% 73.8% 2.6%
Tennessee 65.4% 96.6% 16.7%
Texas 45.3% 87.1% 13.4%
Utah 13.3% 91.8% 1.6%
Vermont 36.8% 100.0% 1.5%
Virginia 69.0% 98.1% 20.0%
Washington 34.0% 89.8% 4.6%
West Virginia 30.2% 49.2% 3.7%
Wisconsin 65.1% 89.1% 6.6%
Wyoming 7.7% 71.4% 1.2%
Washington DC 98.2% 66.6% 47.2%

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