For decades, there have been tensions between the Black community and the immigrants who own small inner-city businesses. Occasionally, this will flare up somewhere and make the news. However, we have never seen anything like this story.
In 2017, a Milwaukee NBC station reported that a Central Asian grocery store owner had taken out a restraining order against “King Rick” and his “Orginal Black Panthers of Milwaukee” group. The owner accused King Rick of operating a classic “protection racket.” He said the group would demand money and free items, which he had been giving them. Previously, in 2016, the local ABC station reported how the group was carrying guns openly on the streets of Milwaukee.
In 2018, the Milwaukee ABC station showed the group harassing a White business owner. Since then, the media has gone silent on the group, but the campaign of harassment continued and only got more vicious. In 2018, King Rick and his group uploaded a video of themselves harassing a Central Asian business owner for selling a product called “Legal Lean.” They intimidate the man until he removes items behind the counter, and King Rick appears to steal two bottles as he leaves. Legal Lean claims to be an all-natural relaxation syrup.
The group posted another video in 2018 where they claim they “shut down” a convenience store called Tip Top. In 2019, the group uploaded a video to Youtube, showing themselves violently preventing a Central Asian business owner from operating his store.

Reports of armed and uniformed Black Panthers targeting non-Black business owners in Milwaukee have persisted. New videos are surfacing, showing that King Rick and his armed band are more aggressive and more violent than ever. King Rick even bragged on Facebook that a star witness for the prosecution in the Derek Chavin trial is “a General” in his group and his “personal assistant.”
Imagine for a second that a group of armed White people was harassing immigrant shop owners in a US city. It would be a major international news story. They would be arrested immediately. Instead, the media is censoring this, and apparently, it is being ignored by local, state, and federal authorities.
The “expert witness” Donald Williams is great friends with the leader of this black panther group, which has harassed hundreds of Asian, Arab, and Mexican businesses in the area.
See below thread pic.twitter.com/SJE1HDlz1q
— V. James (@GamerElefent) April 4, 2021
Here is the 2017 video from a Milwaukee NBC Station:
Here is video the group posted on Youtube showing themselves harrassing another Central Asian business owner in 2018:
Here is video the group posted on Youtube showing themselves harrassing another Central Asian business owner in 2019: