Are Blacks in Milwaukee committing over half the murders in all of Wisconsin?

Over two-thirds of all Wisconsin homicides came from Milwaukee in 2022

Milwaukee set new records for their highest homicide rate in history three years in a row. The city is in completely uncharted territory.

Milwaukee Homicides:

1991: 165 (623k, 26.5 per 100k) fourth highest rate in city history
2019: 97 (591k, 16.4 per 100k) four year low
2020: 190 (577k, 32.9 per 100k) third highest rate in city history
2021: 195 (569k, 34.3 per 100k) second highest rate in city history
2022: 214 (563k, 38.0 per 100k) highest rate in city history

Wisconsin Homicides:

1991: 239 (4,955k, 4.8 per 100k) fourth highest rate in state history
2019: 185 (5,825k, 3.2 per 100k)
2020: 308 (5,833k, 5.3 per 100k) third highest rate in state history
2021: 329 (5,896k, 5.6 per 100k) highest rate in state history
2022: 317 (5,892k, 5.4 per 100k) second highest rate in state history

Based on data sent to the FBI by the Milwaukee police department:

2019: 84.3% of known suspects were Black
2020: 78.1% of known suspects were Black
2021: 92.1% of known suspects were Black
2022: 85.6% of known suspects were Black

2019: 79.4% of victims were Black
2020: 77.5% of victims were Black
2021: 90.3% of victims were Black
2022: 86.9% of victims were Black

Milwaukee’s percentage of state-wide homicides:

2019: 52.4%
2020: 61.7%
2021: 59.3%
2022: 67.5%

Black Milwaukee resident’s share of state homicides, based on known suspect percentage:

2019: 44.2%
2020: 48.2%
2021: 54.6%
2022: 57.8%

Black homicides in Milwaukee are the main factor driving the state-wide surge in homicides.

Milwaukee is about 39% Black or roughly 222k people. This population group represents less than 3.8% of the state’s population. Yet this group appears to have committed over half of all the murders in the entire state in 2021 and 2022.

To further verify this, we can look at the 2021 CDC assault homicide death rates.

For 246k Blacks living in Milwaukee County, the assault homicide death rate is a staggering 76.0 per 100k. For 456k Whites in the same area, the assault homicide death rate is 3.3 per 100k. This is a Black to white ratio of 23!

The CDC lists 348 people as dying from assault homicide in Wisconsin in 2021. Usually CDC assault homicide deaths are higher than official state totals for murder/nonnegligent homicide.

Of the 348 statewide deaths, 229 or 65.8% are Black. For the Milwaukee metro area, there are 189, or 54.3% of the state. This suggests that Blacks living in Milwaukee county committed over half the murders in the entire state.

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1 year ago

Most people know this already

9 months ago

This is why we can no longer have nice things.

8 months ago

Rhetorical question?

pdx r13
8 months ago

Yes. Murder at over 6x White males of same age. Only infiltrating illegal aliens with military training and coordination orders will exceed this number when festivities erupt.