On multiple occasions, the president of the United States has told audiences that Blacks should be worried about getting murdered by a White person. So, we launched the Interracial Homicide Tracking Project in 2023 to create the most comprehensive picture of interracial homicide in the USA ever made.
Now, the general public will get the most information so they can compare reality to the claims made by politicians, political advocacy groups, media personalities, and others. We are also creating data that significantly exceeds the quality of state and federal data on interracial homicides because the term “White” in government crime data refers to Whites, Latinos, Arabs, many Central Asians, and even many Blacks with Spanish names. We pick up where other organizations stop when compiling lists of homicides.
We launched an interactive database with pictures for 2024. Recently, our list of interracial homicides for 2024 exceeded 250 confirmed Black-on-White homicides. Our 2023 list has surpassed 200 confirmed Black-on-Latino homicides. Our total list for 2023 is now 1,385, and it continues to grow each week.
You can help this project by sending us confirmed interracial homicides using this form.