Steven Shaviro is an English professor at Wayne State University and a self-described “Marxist.”
In a Facebook post, he said that murdering right-wing speakers would be more admirable than protesting them. Wayne State President Dr. M. Roy Wilson immediately suspended Shaviro and said the matter was being handed over to law enforcement.
“I think it is far more admirable to kill a racist, homophobic, or transphobic speaker than it is to shout them down. When right-wing groups invite such speakers to campus, it is precisely because they want to provoke an incident that discredits the left, and gives more publicity and validation to these reprehensible views than they could otherwise attain. The protesters get blamed instead of the bigoted speaker; the university administration finds a perfect excuse to side publicly with the racists or phobes; the national and international press has a field day saying that bigots are the ones being oppressed, rather than the people those bigots actually hate being the victims of oppression.” – Steve Shaviro
“We have on many occasions defended the right of free speech guaranteed by the Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but we feel this post far exceeds the bounds of reasonable or protected speech. It is, at best, morally reprehensible and, at worst, criminal.” – WSU Dr. M President Roy Wilson