Sixteen Washington State Senators are sponsoring a bill that would potentially pay people to stage hoaxes and make false allegations of “racism.”
Senate Bill 5427 is called “Concerning people who have been targeted or affected by hate crimes and bias incidents.”
It would require the state attorney general’s office to open a staffed hotline for people to report “hate crimes and bias incidents.”
The hotline operators would collect allegations for an annual report and share them with local law enforcement. While “hate crime” in this bill refers to illegal acts, a “bias incident” can be anything.
SB 5427 defines a “bias incident” as a “hostile expression of animus toward another person.” The bill says these incidents are cases where “criminal investigation or prosecution is impossible or inappropriate” and “no probable cause of the commission of a crime is established.” You must allege that the expression of animus was because of your race, color, national origin, gender, sexuality, or disability.
In other words, a bias incident can be any legal interaction in which you didn’t like the look on someone’s face or the tone of their voice. Or it could be something that happened in your imagination, or you made up to try to win $2,000 from the state.
This is not satire. A $2,000 cash prize is actually in the bill.
After calling the hotline and reporting your “bias incident,” you can file a claim form for up to a $2,000 “compensation.”
Section 2, part 4 explicitly states that anyone alleging they were “targeted or affected by a specific hate crime or bias incident” can receive up to $2,000. A group of bureaucrats would decide which claimants get the reward money.
Abuse is not just likely. It is guaranteed to occur on a large scale. Just look at the endless stream of hate crime hoaxes being perpetrated across the USA weekly. This will also have a chilling effect on the first amendment. People will be scared to speak their mind for fear of being reported to the state for causing “bias incidents.”
The 16 co-sponsors represent 32.6% of the state Senate and 55.2% of the Democrat caucus.
Members of the Washington state senate are pushing some of the most extreme legislation in the nation. Another bill, SB 5599, would legalize harboring runaway minors from other states for transsexual disfigurement drugs and surgical procedures. The bill would remove requirements on “licensed overnight youth shelters” and “host homes” concerning reporting the child’s location to the parents.
Meanwhile in Puyallup, Washington, a fourteen year old girl was the victim of an actual racially motivated mob attack in her school bathroom. The perps videotaped themselves, yet local police have so far refusing to take any action.