40% of Virginians have a “progressive” activist chief prosecutor

They want to end cash bail and mandatory minimum sentencing

Virginia Progressive Prosecutors For Justice [VPPFJ] is a coalition of activist prosecutors who advocate reducing the penalties for committing a crime. They call this “social justice reform” or “progressive prosecution.” Sadly, forty percent of the entire population of Virginia has one of these activists as their local chief prosecutor. George Soros is famously the most prominent financial backer of this ideology.

The VPPFJ was created in July 2020 during the nationwide BLM riots and advocates many of the same goals as the BLM movement. They urged the state legislature to enact soft on crime reforms, some of which were quickly passed. These included abolishing the death penalty, making it easier for ex-cons to expunge their records, and making it harder to apply the state’s three strikes enhancement charge.

Currently, their chief demands are an end to cash bail and minimum mandatory sentences.

The VPPFJ consists of twelve chief prosecutors, known as “Commonwealth’s Attorneys” in Virginia. George Soros funded the campaigns of at least two of them. In 2019, Soros spent $583k to elect Parisa Dehghani-Tafti and $392k to elect Steve Descano.

Virginia is one of many states that experienced a wild surge in homicides along the BLM riots and subsequent push to enact “social justice reforms.”

Amy Ashworth – Prince William County and City of Manassas

Anton Bell – City of Hampton

Buta Biberaj – Loudoun County

Parisa Dehghani-Tafti – Arlington County and City of Falls Church

Steve Descano – Fairfax County and City of Fairfax

Howard Gwynn – City of Newport News

James M. Hingeley – Albemarle County

Stephanie N. Morales – City of Portsmouth

Joseph D. Platania – City of Charlottesville

Bryan Porter – City of Alexandria

Shannon L. Taylor – Henrico County

Gregory D. Underwood – City of Norfolk

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