Month: January 2022

PJW publishes video about Zhirinovsky statement
This is something we reported on this morning.

Colin Flaherty has passed away
Colin Flaherty has passed away on January 11th after a long battle with cancer. Flaherty was an author and journalist. For much of the past ten years, his focus has been on how the media […]

Vladimir Zhirinovsky says America will fall as Whites become a persecuted minority
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 75, is a former Deputy Chairman of the Russian Parliament. He is the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia [LDPR]. While the term “liberal” has morphed into a euphemism for “leftist” […]

IRS backlog of unprocessed returns increased nearly five fold in only two years
Did you know that the IRS has rule that if you cheat on your taxes, you are required to voluntarily preserve your records for a longer amount of time? From the official IRS website: Period […]

Ashville bans racial preferences for tax-payer funded college scholarships after lawsuit
Ashville has a reputation of being the most “woke” and left-wing part of the Appalachian region. The city just launched the Office of Equity & Inclusion, which will carry out a Reparations Commission. In October 2020 […]

NFL ends Wonderlick Intelligence test for prospective players
Prospective NFL players must complete numerous tests. Most are physical tests, but there is also the Wonderlick intelligence test. It is a basic IQ-style test with multiple-choice logic questions. Prospective players receive a score of […]

Man arrested for killing father and infant son is a career criminal who was pampered by the justice system
On December 30th, four people were shot in Kirksville, MO. Braxton Cottrill and his one-year-old son Parker Cottrill died while Alissa Anders, 18, and Randall Yarrington, 21, were wounded. US Marshalls arrested Anquan Glover, 22, […]

CDC Director concedes that over 75% of “Covid deaths” had four or more co-morbidities
This is a stunning admission and one that is quite literally at the crux of my Facebook lawsuit against their fact-checkers. I reported on the scam of them calculating deaths “with Covid” years ago and […]

Columbus and Toledo experienced the highest homicide rates in their city’s history in 2021
Right now, the media is downplaying America’s surging homicide rates by saying, “it was still much worse in the 90s.” If you search corporate media articles about homicide, you will find this claim repeatedly. The media […]