April 8th, 2021, Philip Adams, a former NFL player, murdered six people in Rock Hill, SC. Just one day earlier, another former NFL player, Travis Rudolph, was charged with shooting two people in Florida. One of the victims died. Another former NFL player, Michael Richardson, was charged with murder last December.
While the NFL rails about alleged mistreatment of Black Americans at the hands of police, their own former players are out murdering people at an incredibly high rate.
For nearly two months police were searching for another former NFL player named Kevin Ware. His girlfriend Taylor Pomaski, 29, went missing after a party at her house in Spring, Texas on April 26th. Pomaski was last seen arguing with Ware.
Police located him a week ago and took him into custody for a bond violation. The violation is in relation to previous drug and weapons charges. Now, Montgomery County prosecutors have officially named him a suspect in Pomaski’s death.
Video from 2019: 17 NFL players and former players charged with murder.
Has the NFL been declared a radicalizer of violent extremism yet?
Seems like NFL players are a persistent and lethal threat.