The “mainstream” legacy media, across the board, are claiming that individuals calling themselves “Boogaloo Boys/Bois” are “far-right extremists.” This appears to be a complete falsehood, that is easily disproven. The media does not seem to be acting in good faith, but intentionally misrepresenting people to create an artificial “far-right” boogieman with which they can use to advance certain political agendas. Part of this agenda is to advance false claims that “white right-wingers” acted as provocateurs to incite BLM activists to engage in unlawful rioting. To this day, I have yet to see any evidence of a single right-winger who acted as a provocateur.
Over and over again, we see self-identified members of this movement identifying with BLM, and sometimes even Antifa. They consistently express left-wing views on social issues. At best, this seems to be a Left-Libertarian movement. At worst, it is Left-Anarchist. In the 90s, libertarianism and the National Libertarian Party [NLP] tended to be, more or less, a movement on the right. Today, the NLP advocates views that are clearly left-wing and expressed solidarity with BLM during the rioting.
The term “boogaloo” comes from memes and can mean a lot of things. It basically refers to an apocalyptic collapse of society. Bellingcat claims it originated on the /k/ section of 4Chan as opposed to the far-right /pol/. They suggest that it went from a joke word used by 4Chan “shitposters” to organized groups on Facebook. People from all over the political spectrum have used memes featuring this word. Both right-wingers and left-wingers. In right-wing circles, boogaloo has been used as a word for black race riots. However, among people who actually call themselves part of the boogaloo movement, we consistently see socially-left and left-libertarian themes, not right-wing themes.
The Columbia, SC daily newspaper reported on Boogaloo Boys, saying they rioted in Columbia, SC alongside Antifa, the New Black Panther Party [NBPP], and black street gangs. The paper says white Boogaloo Boys and the anti-white NBPP were ”providing security to the protesters.” Boogaloo Boys are described as a “nascent, largely white and loosely organized right-wing group” and that “adherents sometimes align with leftists.” This description, which is borderline nonsensical, is still more honest than any other I can find. The paper admits that they were acting in solidarity with Antifa, NBPP, and black gang members, but is still hellbent on adding a disingenuous “right-wing” label.
The Williamette Week reported on Boogaloo Boys at a BLM rally in Portland. The writer, Tess Riski, alleges that she is an expert on the “Alt-Right.” She says that the local Boogaloo Boys were there to stand in solidarity with BLM and transexual activists. Yet she continues to falsely call them “far-right extremists” and “white supremacists.” What she does is falsely associate any meme that uses the word boogaloo, with people who identify as the “boogaloo movement.” Either she doesn’t understand meme culture, or she is being disingenuous. She claims that Boogaloo Boys “overlaps with the Proud Boys.” An absolute nonsense statement. Riski is a perfect example of a so-called “journalist” desperately grasping at straws to create a fake far-right boogieman for the purpose of advancing her political agenda.
The most high-profile Boogaloo criminal is thirty-year-old active duty Air Force MP Sargeant Steven Carrillo. He is the man accused of murdering Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Deputy Damon Gutzwiller and Federal security guard David Patrick Underwood. The murders took place at the beginning of the nationwide George Floyd/BLM riots.
Carrillo, who is Latino, self-identified as a libertarian, denounced “racist people,” and urged people to vote for National Libertarian presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen. Journalists and activists scoured his social media posts for anything right-wing and came up completely empty-handed. He did make numerous social media posts attacking law enforcement. Carrillo clearly disliked police officers, even though he was a police officer in the Air Force at the time. He even posted a message saying “Who need antifa to start riots when you have the police to do it for you..”
Nationwide, legacy media outlets continue to put the adjective “far-right” or “right-wing” next to his name, even though no evidence has ever been presented that he held right-wing views. The only politician he aligned himself with is left-libertarian Jo Jorgensen.
Carrillo had an accomplice named Robert Justus, and no evidence has been found suggesting he is right-wing either.
Below are some video clips: