An American MQ-9 Reaper drone flying provocatively close to Russia’s border has gone down in the Black Sea.
Pentagon spokesmen say two Russian SU-27s intercepted and damaged the drone by intentionally spilling fuel on it. US operators are said to have no choice but to crash land the drone into the Black Sea.
Pentagon spokesmen denounced the “environmentally unsound manner” in which the drone was allegedly downed.
Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov called the incident a provocation.
Remember that the intentional demolition of the Nordstream pipelines caused the largest single environmental disaster since the Deepsea Horizon leak in 2010.
America routinely conducts proactive flights along the borders of Russia and China with spy planes. This led to the notorious Hainan Island incident in 2001. An American Lockheed EP-3E collided with a Chinese Shenyang J-8. The pilot of the J-8 was killed, and the EP-3E crash-landed. China captured twenty-four American military personnel and acquired top secret classified US spy tech from the plane.
It is speculated that the pilot of the J-8 crashed into the plane on purpose.
🚨🇷🇺✈️🇺🇸BREAKING NEWS – US Authorities have released a video showing the downing of the MQ-9 Reaper drone over the Black Sea by Russian SU-27 pic.twitter.com/cyuvp6CZLg
— AZ 🛰🌏🌍🌎 (@AZgeopolitics) March 16, 2023