A highly detailed study by the University of Amsterdam School of Economics shows that the Netherlands spent €400 billion on social services to foreigners from 1995-2019. The school published a 274-page report called “Borderless Welfare State: The Consequences of Immigration for Public Finance.”
Four researchers looked at anonymized data for every single Dutch resident.
Currently, one Euro is equal to USD 1.07.
The study has dedicated websites in both English and Dutch.
The researchers summarize the results of the study, by calling the Netherland an “inverted welfare magnet.”
Current immigration is undermining the Dutch welfare state. That welfare state turns out to be an ‘inverted welfare magnet’ to which poorly integrating immigrants in particular are ‘stuck’, while well-performing immigrants, on the contrary, often leave the Netherlands quickly. If policy remains unchanged, the welfare state will gradually collapse under the pressure of mounting costs.
This is about more than just money. Large net costs mean poor integration in many areas such as work, income, benefits, healthcare, education, youth problems and crime. These integration problems prove intractable, into the second and even third generation, especially among groups with a large cultural distance from the Netherlands.
At the heart of the problem is that international treaties mean the Netherlands can hardly select immigrants on knowledge and skills. Asylum law and European treaties prevent this. Therefore, many low-potential immigrants come to the Netherlands, many as uninvited asylum seekers.
The current national debt of the Netherlands is €527 billion.
The researchers found that, among certain groups, 2nd generation immigrations continue to integrate poorly and live on welfare.
Second-generation immigrants from East Asia and Scandinavia perform the best in the Netherlands. Second-generation immigrants from Northern, Eastern, and Western Africa, the Caribbean, Guyana, and Turkey perform the worst.
Note that many of the second-generation immigrants from South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe are White people, many of whom have Dutch ancestry.
For once a University did something useful!