Last July, a man was severely beaten in the Spanish city of Tarassa. It took place at a crowded LGBT event. The suspects are five Moroccan immigrants. The attack was captured on video
Now another brutal beating has been captured on video in the same city. This time it happened in a crowded area in broad daylight. Police are looking for three Moroccan suspects.
The videos demonstrate that the perps have little fear of police or the consequences of their actions.
Detenidos 2 de los marroquíes que propinaron una brutal paliza a un joven durante las fiestas de Tarrasa.
Otros 3, han sido identificados.
Pues bien, ahora que los deporten a Marruecos, cumplan allí las condenas y no vuelvan a pisar jamás suelo español.#Terrassa @VoxTerrassa pic.twitter.com/ysbXW1Zm5i
— Alicia Tomás (@AliciaTsMn2) July 22, 2021
Nou atac en grup a Terrassa. Un grup de joves marroquins apallissen un home per a robar-li el telèfon mòbil. pic.twitter.com/Ikx3ir1IBx
— 3324 Get Woke, Go Broke (@3324woke) August 13, 2022