Portland homicides for the first four months of the year (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr):
2016: 2
2017: 5
2018: 5
2019: 13
2020: 4
2021: 29
2022: 35
These numbers come directly from the website of the Portland Police Bureau.
Portland had its highest homicide rate in history in 1987. However, rates had been very low for about two decades before exploding during the second half of 2020. This explosion coincided with the election of “progressive prosecutor” Mike Schmidt and a policy of the Portland City government to conduct a law enforcement stand down and allow BLM and Antifa to riot violently for months on end.
Even though Portland had a very low homicide count during the first half of 2020, there were so many homicides during the second half that 2020 set a new record for the third-highest homicide rate in city history. Then 2021 set a new second for the second-highest homicide rate in city history.
The average total for 2016 through 2020 was 5.8 homicides for the first four months. This means that, in 2022, Portland had six times the number of homicides as the average number experienced during the same period from 2016 to 2022. A staggering 500% increase. This is also 20.6% over the same period in 2021.
Also, note that in 2019, Portland authorities made the rules stricter for what is officially counted as a homicide.
Portland homicides by year:
1987: 66 (450k people, 14.7 per 100k) Highest homicide rate ever
1993: 54 (498k people, 10.8 per 100k) 3rd highest homicide rate
2013: 16 (607k people, 2.64 per 100k) Lowest rate since at least the 60s
2021: 88 (653k people, 13.5 per 100k) 2nd highest homicide rate
The homicide total from from May 2021 to April 2022 is 94. (653k, 14.4 per 100k)
Portland Shooting Incidents 2019-2022: