Note: The above photo is just a picture of unidentified Sureños gang members.
Javier Campos Jr. was charged with numerous felonies in Alameda County last September, but was released on bail. He also has outstanding warrants in San Mateo County. Campos is allegedly part of an ethnic Mexican criminal gang called the Sureños.
On January 23rd, Campos and Brian David Cruz allegedly ambushed a group of rival Latino gang members who were filming a rap music video at a Valero gas station in Oakland, California. Five people were shot. Mario Navarro-Navarro, 18, was killed. The rap video starred a member of the rival Norteños gang.
The police say that Campos Jr shot another nine people on June 9th.
The Mission Skateboard / Dying Breed Clothing store was celebrating its six-year anniversary. This is in the Mission District in San Francisco. Campos Jr allegedly opened fire in a drive-by shooting. Eight males and one female, aged twenty to thirty-four, were wounded.
The double mass shooting suspect has received barely any media coverage. No media outlets are showing any of his old mugshots.