Infamous Somali cop who slaughtered Justine Damond was just released from prison after only 38 months

No justice for Justine

Mohammed Noor was released from prison after serving only 38 months for the random and unprovoked killing of Justine Ruszczyk Damond in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Noor was a Somali immigrant who was hired as a Minneapolis cop as part of an affirmative action “fast-tracking program.” The program was designed to allow unqualified candidates to join the police force in order to achieve diversity goals.

On her personal Facebook page, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges publicly bragged about Noor being hired as a police officer. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune also publicly praised his hiring. Multiple training officers and police psychiatrists said he was unfit for duty.

Within his first two years as a police officer, he acquired three complaints and was sued for sticking his gun to a woman’s head during a routine traffic stop. Despite all the red flags, he was kept on the force because Mayor Betsy Hodges and others on the city council decided that the local police needed East African police officers at any cost.

On July 15, 2017, Justine Damond called 911. Two members of the Minneapolis Police department arrived in a squad car. Sitting in the passenger seat, Noor reached over his partner, opened fire on Damond through the driver’s side window, and killed her. There was no provocation for the shooting. Noor immediately lawyered up and refused to cooperate with the investigation.

It took the District Attorney’s office ten months to charge Noor. He was initially convicted of third-degree murder and sentenced to over 12 years. However, Minnesota’s leftist-dominated, female-dominated Supreme Court came to his rescue. They threw out the conviction. So then, he was resentenced to 57 months for manslaughter.

He has been granted supervised release after only 38 months.

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