Five people were shot at an Atlanta Waffle House. Three of them are said to be under the age of 18. This shooting has a twist. Two of the gunshot victims carjacked a valet at gunpoint. Then they drove themselves to the hospital.
Last weekend there were at least eleven mass shootings.
This weekend there have been at least seven.
Most of the mass shootings occurring in the USA event that seem to occur at the spur of the moment with little planning, involving young Black males. We did see a rare Asian spree shooter Friday night. He live streamed himself spraying a Washington DC neighborhood with bullets. Then he committed suicide. Four people were wounded by gunfire, including a twelve year old.
Other mass shootings this weekend besides Atlanta and Washington DC:
Four shot at a bar with a hip hop DJ in Rocky Mount, NC. Police say they are hunting the suspect, but released no description. Rocky Mount is 62% Black.
Four shot at an apartment complex in the Walnut Hills area of Cincinnati, Ohio. Virtually no details in media. Walnut Hills is a historically Black community since the 1930s.
One killed, four injured in an alley in Petersburg, Virginia. The fatality was a thirty year old Black male. Some victims are juveniles. Another person was shot shortly after in a different part of town, it is still being investigated if that shooting is connected.
Two killed, two injured in a drive-by shooting in Chicago. Victims range in age from 23 to 65. A suspect was arrested, but no details have been reported in media. The shooting took place in the West Englewood neighborhood, which is nearly all Black.
Two killed, four injured at Romney Meadows Apartments in Lafayette, Indiana. No details have been provided by police so far. While Lafayette is only about 12% Black, photos and video on social media indicate that a large majority of residents are Black. In 2019, there was a murder at the complex and the perp was Black. In 2021, there was another double murder at the complex and the suspect is also Black.
While non-Black mass shooters, on average, seem to produce more fatalities. Black mass shooters are vastly more common. Most seem to be spur of the moment “no impulse control” shootings with little planning. Statically, Blacks who committee murder are more likely to only be charged with 2nd degree murder than other races. They are less likely to receive the death penalty than other races. This stems from the fact that, on average, it is harder to prove any pre-meditation.