On the morning of August 5th, a man rammed his car into a crowd of people in front of Jeffrey Pub on the south side of Chicago. Local media are describing the bar as one of the oldest and most well-known gay bars in the city. It is often described as a “safe space” for Black homosexuals. The bar first opened in the 1960s.
Police say that a large crowd began fighting in the parking lot and spilled into the street. Travis Dunbar, 34, allegedly yelled “I got something for you, you motherf****s” and then intentionally rammed his car into the crowd. He has been charged with three counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder. Three Black males, Donald Huey, 25, Devonta Vivetter, 27, and Jaylen Ausley, 23, were killed. Police say he was going 60 mph at the time of the impact.
The current owner, Jamal Junior, is now taking heat for his plans to make the bar safer. He said he is raising the minimum age from twenty-one to thirty. Junior also plans to eliminate much of the hip hop music and play ambient music instead.
America has been experiencing weekly Black-on-Black spree shootings at hip hop themed bars and rap concerts across the country. It appears that Junior is desperate to get rid of the “thug culture” that is so pervasive in the Black community.
Dunbar is described as a convicted felon. This may be the deadliest attack, using a car as a weapon, since Darrel Edward Brooks killed six people and wounded dozens in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Crazed driver’s chilling words before mowing down and killing three men in his cousin’s car outside a Chicago gay bar after an argument: ‘I got something for you, motherf*****s’ #JaylenAusley,,#DevontaVivetter,#DonaldHuey,#TavisDunbar pic.twitter.com/O0pPsEyjgx
— 6IX WORLD NEWS (@6ixworldnews) August 25, 2022